Vesuvius 100wc

I wake up to the sound of the ground shaking. I walk outside and see buildings collapsing and the smell of sulfur. I turn and look to Mount Vesuvius and see a massive ash cloud forming over the city. I run into the house and pick up my dog and I start to run. I see someone trapped under a rock he looks at me with a sad face but there’s no time to save him. I turn and see a lava bomb as big as a house flying towards me I throw my dog out the way but I get hit.     

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Double Down

The book I read was diary of a wimpy kid double down. Greg’s mum wants him to stop playing video games and start to explore the creative side of himself. Halloween is coming up and Greg is trying to find his mums stash of lollies he finally finds them and starts to eat them little by little so his mum doesn’t find out. Greg sees on TV to teenagers that made a horror movie and got paid a lot of money. So Greg calls his best friend Rowley over to help him make a horror movie Greg used all the lollies in the movie for a gummy worm invasion. He thought that using the lollies in the movie that mum wouldn’t be mad because he’s being creative. But it turns out mum was furious because the camera they used to make the movie was the same camera his mum used for filming manny’s first steps and all the and all that was deleted. I think this book would be good for kids from the age 8-14. 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Old School

The book I read was diary of a wimpy kid old school. The book is about how Greg’s mum sends letters out to the whole neighbourhood says they should have whole week without electronic devices. The whole neighbourhood started to do a yard clean up. Greg and grandpa went for a drive and crashed the car. Greg did not want his dad to tell him off so he went to camp when they were at camp their chaperone got sick and had to go home so Greg’s dad came to be the chaperone. When they were at camp story was going around about a guy that walks around in the forest but the person that made up the story was Greg’s dad when he was a kid. I think this book is good for kids the age of 9-15.

Sphero 5 Questions

For the entire project, what do you believe could be added, changed or removed?

Personally we liked the race because it was fun, competitive and exciting so we wouldn’t change anything.

Did we connect with our community in a meaningful way? Explain your answer.

Yes, because we had students from all age groups come and play with the Spheros- after school, Sphero racing/obstacle course e.g. We believe most of the students enjoyed the experience by the comments they made after.

How does this link to the Australian curriculum?

It links to the Australian curriculum because of the coding and technology (design and tech), building the prototype (design and tech) and using the launch cycle.

What is the difference between your chariot and the winners chariot?

The differences between our chariot and the winners chariot are the wheels, the shape (height, length) and the Spheros holder.

Explain how we designed and built the chariots?

We used discs for the wheels, a cup to hold the Sphero, cut up pop sticks for the driver’s seat, and pop sticks to link them all together.

5×5 Alliteration

Swish swish swish goes the small and silver chariot.

Crash crash crash goes Kip clinging on for his dear life.

Bash bash bash the chariot bounces off the bendy corner.

The crowd cheers for Kip as he carefully turns the corner.

The big black chariot bashes against the broad and bumpy track.

bio poem


Humorous, talented, silly and friendly

Brother of Micheal and James

Lover of Cosmo and the Flash

Cameron who feels happy when watching T.V., sad when sick and excited when playing footy

Cameron who needs to eat more food, practice public speaking and concentrate at school. Concentrates as poorly as a puppy ripping up a pillow

Cameron who fears heights, snakes and dying

Cameron who would like to visit family in Africa and England, go to a water park and be rich

who believes family makes light in the darkest room






I woke up this morning

and went for a run

I saw a snake

and knew I was done


I went outside

and heard a dog bark

I looked around

but couldn’t see it in the dark


I went outside

to go out for lunch

I played with my friends

while drinking fruit punch